Renovation to Stillman College Winsborough Hall
Renovation to Stillman College Winsborough Hall
Construction cost: $2,400,000.00
Tuscaloosa Alabama
Renovation to Stillman College Winsborough Hall
Construction cost: $2,400,000.00
Tuscaloosa Alabama
Renovation to Miles College Williams Hall Williams Hall
18,000 square feet
Construction Cost: $3,100,000.00
Birmingham, Alabama
Negro Southern League Museum, City of Birmingham
Total Square Footage: 16,000 sqft
Construction Cost: $5,800,000.00
McDonald’s Corporation Regional Office, Restaurant
Tuscaloosa, AL
Interior and exterior renovations
Wenonah High School
Birmingham, AL
A New High school with a capacity for 1,200 students, Project included a New 186,000 S.F. High School with a Competition Gymnasium of a capacity of 1,800, a New Practice Gymnasium and a 6A football Stadium with capacity for 3,500.
Construction Cost $38, Million
Associated Architect with McCauley & Associates
McDonald’s Corporation Regional Office, Restaurant, and Play Place Addition
Gadsden, AL
New additions and interior renovations
Riviera Enterprises, Inc (REI / Drayco)
Birmingham, AL
New 25,355 S.F. Office and Truck Storage Facility
Projected Construction Cost: $2,000,000
W.J Christian K-8 School Renovations & Additions
Birmingham, AL
11,000 S.F, two-story, classroom addition; 12,524 S.F. New Gymnasium, and Existing Classroom renovations.
Construction cost: $5.6 Million
Carrie A. Tuggle K-5 Elementary School
Birmingham, AL
80,000 S.F. New School
Construction cost: $12 Million
Mars Hill
Anniston, AL
9,000 S.F. New Church
Projected Construction cost: $750,000